Claudine AGERON MARQUE D.O., M.R.O.F. |
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Anthony G. CHILA D.O., F.A.A.O. |
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Dmitry MOKHOV D.O., M.D., Ph.D. |
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- Neurologist |
Zinaida KASVANDE M.D., Ph.D. |
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Personal information: - Born on 14th April 1934 in St. Petersburg Education: - In 1959 graduated from Riga Medicine Institute. - In 1992 academic degree of Doctor of Medicine. - In 1997 academic degree of associate professor. - Z.Kasvande studied rehabilitation, osteopathy and manual medicine in France, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Russia, Poland. Professional experience: - 1959-1967: doctor at Republic Children’s hospital, later till 1968 – a doctor at sports medicine dispensary. - 1969-1970: post-graduate course in Leningrad, Ph.D. thesis („Curative gymnastics and stretching for different syndromes of neck osteohondrozes). - 1970-1995: assistant, lecturer, head of the therapeutic exercises, physical and sports medicine department of Riga Medicine Institute (AML/RSU). - In 1990 the organization of 1st Osteopathy seminar in Latvia with the participation of Viola M. Frymann (D.O., F.A.A.O.). - From 1995 to 1996: director of Riga High Scholl of Osteopathy. - Since 1996: head of a private centre „Educational health and medical rehabilitation centre of Z.Kasvande”. - Z.Kasvande combines medical practice and pedagogical work with scientific researches in the field of profylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation of the locomotorium abnormalities within children’s and adults’ health. Publications: Z.Kasvande is the author of 142 scientific publications and of the monography “Curative gymnastics for thr neck osteohondrozes”. |
Arturas YASHINSKAS D.O., M.D. |
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Birth date: - 4th August 1967 in Kelme (Lithuania). Education: - 1985: graduates from Venta secondary school (Lithuania). - 1993: graduated from Kaunas Medicine Academy (Kaunas, Lithuania). - 1994: primary residenture program (Kaunas Medicine University, Lithuania). - 1999: secondary residenture program with the qualification of physical medicine and rehabilitation (Kaunas Medicine University, Lithuania). - 1999: graduated from French-Latvian “High school of osteopathy of Latvia”. Professional experience: - 1997-2004 worked at the “Testing and rehabilitation centre for sportsmen” (Kaunas, Lithuania) as a doctor in rehabilitation and osteopathy. - Since 2002 has been a co-founder of SIA “School of osteopathic medicine” at the post-diploma Medical education Institute (at the University of Latvia). - Since 2007 has been a director of SIA “Osteopathic Medicine Development Center” - Is a member of Baltic Osteopathic Association. - Teaches osteopathy in Latvia and Russia. |
Jean-Louis ODE M.D. |
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Education: - 1978 Medical doctor (Medecine Faculty Paris-Ouest). - 1982 Anesthetization and reanimation practice (Medecine Faculty in Marseille). - 1985 Chinese synergetic medicine (SHERE). MAnual energetic tecniques and osteopathy basic knowledge. - 1986 Homoeopath at INHF, Uniciste Homeopathy (at Fréjus-Saint-Raphaël). - 1988 RADIONIQUE, Yvon COMBE. - 1992 NLP Master’s degree, NLPSF (by Jennifer De Gant). - 1998 University diploma of pedagogics, Medicine faculty Rockefeller in Lyon. Studies of homeopathy: - Studies at Dr.Masi, Ramon FRENDO, Marie-Luc FAYETON, Anthroposophic Medicine of Rudolf STEINER at Dauphiné-Savoie. Professional experience: - 1966 – 1972 France Red Cross, first aid in the West Paris and Yvelines. - Since 1969 till 2003 Wide experience in reanimation, first aid (Hôpital de Poissy, - Clinique Parly II MARSEILLE CHU NORD, Centre Hospitalier de Salon de Provence, Centre Hospitalier de Martigues). - 1983 Therapeutic homeopathic work in Cadenet. - 1999 – 2003 Homeopathy lecturer at Lyon Medicine faculty and Marseille Medicine faculty. - 1982 – 1992 Studies and work at Hahnemannienne de Fréjus Homeopathy School. - 1989 – 1990 Obstetrics homeopathic consulting of seriously proceeding pregnancy at Pertuis. - Since 1992 Daily use of homeopathic software RADAR. - Since 1998 Lectures on Homeopathy at College of traditional Chinese medicine S.F.E.R.E. Particioation at congresses: - Chambéry, Colmar, Kiev, Tel-Aviv. |
Andris ZEMITIS D.O., M.D. |
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Birth date: - 19th May 1967 Education: - In 1979 graduated from Zveiniekciems Secondary school. - In 1985 graduated from Riga Medicine Institute. - In1986 graduated from Surgery intership at Stradina University (Riga, Latvia). - In 1995 graduated from Manual Therapy courses. - In 1999: graduated from French-Latvian “High school of osteopathy of Latvia”. Professional experience: - Since1986 till now: surgeon in Saulkrasti hospital and polyclinic. - Since 1995 till 1999: medical practice as manual therapeutist. - Since 1999 till now: medical practice as osteopath. - Since 2002 has been a co-founder and director of SIA “School of osteopathic medicine” at the post-diploma Medical education Institute (at the University of Latvia). - Is a member of Baltic Osteopathic Association. - Teaches osteopathy in Latvia and Russia. |