D.O., M.R.O.F.

Personal information:
Nationality: French
Age: 53
Place of birth: Valence (26)
- June 1992 : Diploma in osteopathy (College of Osteopathy in Provence)
- May 1988 : Master of sophrologic medicine, Andorra
- June 1976 : State Diploma in obstetrics, Grenoble
- 1973 University of New York и bachelor’s degree in France
- 1972 Teaneck High school Diploma
Professional experience:
- 1976 : Midwife; Arcachon Hospital Maternity department
- 1976 : Midwife; intercommunal maternity hospital in Creteil
- 1978 : Midwife; Valence Hospital Maternity department
- 1978 : Midwife in Northern Hospital in Grenoble
- 1981 : installation to a liberal midwife appointment in Libourne, control of pregnancy, echographic consultations, training for delivery in the water, guidance of the “Swimming new-born club”
- 1988 : Teacher of sophrology and obstetrics in Permanent University of Manual therapy
- 1992 : Opening of the osteopathic consulting room, assistant in Osteopathic College in Provence
- Since 1994 lecturer at various osteopathic organizations – French (Française), C.O.P., International College of Osteopathy (C.I.D.O.), Superior Institute of Osteopathy (I.S.O.), member of joint academy and also abroad – in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Russia.
- 2007 : current research in osteopathy in hospitals for new-born with cardiosurgical operations
- 1984 “Preparations for calm delivery” in collaboration with Philippe Emmanuel Souchard, publishing house Le Pousoé
- 2000 “Practical guide of osteopathy and gynecology”, publishing house Satas in collaboration with JM Michelin
Personal internet site:
- www.ageronmarque.fr
Membership in professional organizations:
Member of France Register of Osteopaths, member of the France National Chamber of osteopaths, member of W.О.H.O., member of American Academy of Osteopathy.

Anthony G. CHILA
D.O., F.A.A.O.

Birth date:
- December 14, 1937
Doctor of Osteopathy degree in 1965 from the Kansas City (Missouri) College of Osteopathy and Surgery
Professional experience:
- General practice at Warren General Hospital (Ohio) (1965-1976)
- Academic career began from 1977
- Scientific work at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine (East Lansing, MI)
- Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine (1981-1991)
- Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and has served as Chief of Clinical Research for the C.O.M.
- Director of Family Medicine-Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Residency Program (1992-1998)
- Section Chief, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine in the Department of Family Medicine. (1994-2003)
- Editor-in-chief of «American Academy of Osteopathy JOURNAL» (2000-2007)
- Executive editor of «Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 3rd Edition»
Doctor Chila has been the author or co-author of papers published in the:
- Journal of the American Osteopathic Association;
- Osteopathic Annals
- Journal of Applied Physiology
- Journal of Manual Medicine
- Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain
Membership in professional organizations:
- American Osteopathic Association
- Ohio Osteopathic Association
- American Academy of Osteopathy
- Cranial Academy
- American Association of Orthopedic Medicine
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- New York Academy of Sciences
- National Academies of Practice

D.O., M.D., Ph.D.

- Neurologist
- Graduated Osteopathy High School (Paris, 1999)
- Head of Osteopathic medicine Institute in Saint Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate medical education (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- Head of Institute of Osteopathy in Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- From 2005 to 2008 – President of Russian Register of Osteopaths
- Editor-in-Chief of the “Russian Journal of Osteopathy”
- Vice-president of World Osteopathic Foundation (W.O.F.)
- Member of American Academy of Osteopathy

M.D., Ph.D.
Personal information:
- Born on 14th April 1934 in St. Petersburg
- In 1959 graduated from Riga Medicine Institute.
- In 1992 academic degree of Doctor of Medicine. - In 1997 academic degree of associate professor.
- Z.Kasvande studied rehabilitation, osteopathy and manual medicine in France, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Russia, Poland.
Professional experience:
- 1959-1967: doctor at Republic Children’s hospital, later till 1968 – a doctor at sports medicine dispensary.
- 1969-1970: post-graduate course in Leningrad, Ph.D. thesis („Curative gymnastics and stretching for different syndromes of neck osteohondrozes).
- 1970-1995: assistant, lecturer, head of the therapeutic exercises, physical and sports medicine department of Riga Medicine Institute (AML/RSU).
- In 1990 the organization of 1st Osteopathy seminar in Latvia with the participation of Viola M. Frymann (D.O., F.A.A.O.).
- From 1995 to 1996: director of Riga High Scholl of Osteopathy.
- Since 1996: head of a private centre „Educational health and medical rehabilitation centre of Z.Kasvande”.
- Z.Kasvande combines medical practice and pedagogical work with scientific researches in the field of profylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation of the locomotorium abnormalities within children’s and adults’ health.
Z.Kasvande is the author of 142 scientific publications and of the monography “Curative gymnastics for thr neck osteohondrozes”.
D.O., M.D.
Birth date:
- 4th August 1967 in Kelme (Lithuania).
- 1985: graduates from Venta secondary school (Lithuania).
- 1993: graduated from Kaunas Medicine Academy (Kaunas, Lithuania).
- 1994: primary residenture program (Kaunas Medicine University, Lithuania).
- 1999: secondary residenture program with the qualification of physical medicine and rehabilitation (Kaunas Medicine University, Lithuania).
- 1999: graduated from French-Latvian “High school of osteopathy of Latvia”. Professional experience:
- 1997-2004 worked at the “Testing and rehabilitation centre for sportsmen” (Kaunas, Lithuania) as a doctor in rehabilitation and osteopathy.
- Since 2002 has been a co-founder of SIA “School of osteopathic medicine” at the post-diploma Medical education Institute (at the University of Latvia).
- Since 2007 has been a director of SIA “Osteopathic Medicine Development Center”
- Is a member of Baltic Osteopathic Association.
- Teaches osteopathy in Latvia and Russia.
Jean-Louis ODE
- 1978 Medical doctor (Medecine Faculty Paris-Ouest).
- 1982 Anesthetization and reanimation practice (Medecine Faculty in Marseille). - 1985 Chinese synergetic medicine (SHERE). MAnual energetic tecniques and osteopathy basic knowledge.
- 1986 Homoeopath at INHF, Uniciste Homeopathy (at Fréjus-Saint-Raphaël).
- 1992 NLP Master’s degree, NLPSF (by Jennifer De Gant).
- 1998 University diploma of pedagogics, Medicine faculty Rockefeller in Lyon. Studies of homeopathy:
- Studies at Dr.Masi, Ramon FRENDO, Marie-Luc FAYETON, Anthroposophic Medicine of Rudolf STEINER at Dauphiné-Savoie.
Professional experience:
- 1966 – 1972 France Red Cross, first aid in the West Paris and Yvelines.
- Since 1969 till 2003 Wide experience in reanimation, first aid (Hôpital de Poissy, - Clinique Parly II MARSEILLE CHU NORD, Centre Hospitalier de Salon de Provence, Centre Hospitalier de Martigues).
- 1983 Therapeutic homeopathic work in Cadenet.
- 1999 – 2003 Homeopathy lecturer at Lyon Medicine faculty and Marseille Medicine faculty.
- 1982 – 1992 Studies and work at Hahnemannienne de Fréjus Homeopathy School.
- 1989 – 1990 Obstetrics homeopathic consulting of seriously proceeding pregnancy at Pertuis.
- Since 1992 Daily use of homeopathic software RADAR.
- Since 1998 Lectures on Homeopathy at College of traditional Chinese medicine S.F.E.R.E.
Particioation at congresses:
- Chambéry, Colmar, Kiev, Tel-Aviv.
D.O., M.D.
Birth date:
- 19th May 1967

- In 1979 graduated from Zveiniekciems Secondary school.
- In 1985 graduated from Riga Medicine Institute.
- In1986 graduated from Surgery intership at Stradina University (Riga, Latvia).
- In 1995 graduated from Manual Therapy courses.
- In 1999: graduated from French-Latvian “High school of osteopathy of Latvia”. Professional experience:
- Since1986 till now: surgeon in Saulkrasti hospital and polyclinic.
- Since 1995 till 1999: medical practice as manual therapeutist.
- Since 1999 till now: medical practice as osteopath.
- Since 2002 has been a co-founder and director of SIA “School of osteopathic medicine” at the post-diploma Medical education Institute (at the University of Latvia).
- Is a member of Baltic Osteopathic Association.
- Teaches osteopathy in Latvia and Russia.